3D Female Urinary System
3D Female Urinary System
3D Female Kidneys and Ureters
3D Female Urinary System

3D Female Urinary System Model

  • Formats:
    • 3D Studio Max
    • Blender (OBJ)
    • Cinema 4D
    • Generic OBJ
    • Maya
  • Polygons (as tris): Yes
  • UV Coordinates: Available
  • Textures: Available
  • Grouping: Yes
  • Delivery Method: Download
  • Price: $840
  • Rigged: No

+1 (801) 765-4141


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3D Female Urinary System

The model of the Urinary System includes high quality models from Kidneys to Urethra, with each individual feature and structure grouped for easy access, including the anatomy of the Kidneys with Collecting Ducts, Ureters, Bladder, and Urethra. Each organ and feature is grouped individually for ready access. The detail and resolution of the model is high enough for renderings and animations in any application.

Detailed components of the Urinary System include:

  • Kidneys with Collecting Ducts
  • Ureters
  • Bladder
  • Urethra

There are very few places to find high-quality, realistic models of human anatomy that are clean enough to adapt for use within interactive simulations. The Zygote collection has proven a truly valuable source of content for many aspects of our products.

Kurt Miller Senior Software Engineer - Medical Simulation Corporation

+1 (801) 765-4141


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