3D CAD Skull Model
CAD Solid Skull Model

3D Skull Model

  • Formats:
    • ProE/Creo
    • IGES
    • ParaSolid
    • SolidWorks
    • Step
  • Price: $1,900
  • Delivery method: Download

+1 (801) 765-4141


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Solid 3D CAD Solid Skull

Our 3D CAD model of a skull is one of our most popular sellers. It works perfectly with our entire 3D CAD Skeleton and is the most medically accurate CAD skull available.

The skull also includes all major foramina, an accurate interior to the cranium, and each sinus cavity.

It was created entirely from CT scans of one 50th percentile individual.

We used the complete Zygote Male Anatomy Collection as the basis for much of the work we completed "Fight For Life". The brief was for us to have absolute accuracy in all the shots we finished and the accuracy of the Zygote model was a great starting point for us.

Philip Dobree Director and VFX Supervisor - Jellyfish Pictures

+1 (801) 765-4141


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